4 Ustermer an der Europameisterschaft in Belgrad / 2x Bronze für Antonio Djakovic

Vom 17.6 – 23.06.2024 fanden die diesjährigen Europameisterschaften in Belgrad statt. Mit dabei sind vom Schwimmclub Uster Routiniers Lena Kreundl und Antonio Djakovic und die 2 Debütanten Vanna Djakovic und Gian – Luca Gartmann mit ihrer ersten Elite Langbahn EM.

Am ersten Tag war Vanna direkt über die 800m Freistil im Einsatz. Bis 400m war sie voll im Plan aber musste ihrem hohem Anfangstempo Tribut zollen und war am Ende knapp über ihrer Bestzeit geblieben. Am heutigen Tag über die 200m Freistil war sie nicht mehr so nervös und konnte mit einer Zeit von 2:03.04 ein neue Bestzeit feiern.

Gian-Luca war am ersten Tag in der 4×200 Freistil Staffel im Einsatz und pulverisierte mit einem beherzten Rennen seine alte Bestzeit um knapp 3sek. Er ist erst wieder morgen über die 200 Freistil Einzel im Einsatz und am Ende über die 200 Lagen. Viel Erfolg weiterhin!

Antonio ist ein wenig später angereist und hat die 100 Freistil als Einstiegsrennen genutzt. Seine Hauptrennen sind morgen die 200 Freistil und danach die 400 Freistil!

Abschließend kommen wir zu Lena Kreundl die für Österreich startet. Lena ist top Vorbereitet und hat ihre Klasse unter Beweis gestellt. Über die 100 Freistil konnte sie den 8 Jahre alten Landesrekord brechen, der jetzt neu bei 54.81 liegt. Diesen Rekord hat sie im Halbfinale erzielt. Ihre Hauptlage 200 Lagen sind in den nächsten Tagen und es bleibt spannend, ob sie noch auf den Zug nach Paris aufspringen kann. Wir drücken dir alle fest die Daumen!

Antonio Djakovic hat die Europameisterschaften in Belgrad mit 2 Bronzemedaillen beendet. Über die 200m Freistil erkämpfte er sich in einer Zeit von 1:46.32 hinter den Topstars Danas Rapsys aus Litauen und dem rumänischen Überflieger David Popovici die Bronzemedaille!
Am letzten Tag hat er nochmal alle Kräfte gebündelt und wurde über die doppelte Distanz in einer Zeit von 3:47.62 ebenfalls dritter. Vor ihm waren der Grieche Markos Dimitrios und der Österreicher Felix Auböck.
Herzlichen Glückwunsch zu deinen Leistungen und jetzt geht der volle Fokus auf die olympischen Spiele.

Ebenfalls am letzten Tag konnte Vanna Djakovic ihr erstes Finale erkämpfen über die gleiche Strecke wie ihr Bruder. Im Finale drehte sich förmlich auf und mit einer Zeit von 4:15.32 war sie abschließend auf dem 6. Platz!
Herzlichen Glückwunsch auch zu deinen Leistungen!

Am Tag davor zeigte Lena Kreundl ihre Vielseitigkeit. Im Finale über die 200 Lagen wurde sie abschließend 6. mit einer Zeit von 2:13.55. Jetzt heißt es Daumen drücken, dass sie eventuell noch vom Verband nominiert wird für die OS. Wir wünschen dir, dass dein Traum in Erfüllung geht!

Gian-Luca Gartmann qualifizierte sich über die 200 Lagen für das Halbfinale. Im HF hat er nochmal alles rausgeholt was in ihm steckt und war abschließend mit einer super Bestzeit auf dem 9. Rang platziert und somit 1. Reserve für das Finale. Herzlichen Glückwunsch für deine Leistungen!

Zum Ende muss man natürlich noch den Coaches Pablo Kutscher und Gerard Moerland gratulieren, die ihre Athleten top vorbereitet haben.

Danke auch an Patrick B. Krämer für die tollen Impressionen! Er versorgt uns immer mit tollen Eindrücken.


Antonio DJAKOVIC of Switzerland on his way out after competing in the Men's 100m Freestyle Heats during the swimming events of the European Aquatics Championships in Belgrade, Serbia, Tuesday, June 18, 2024. (Photo by Patrick B. Kraemer / MAGICPBK)
Antonio DJAKOVIC of Switzerland on his way out after competing in the Men's 100m Freestyle Heats during the swimming events of the European Aquatics Championships in Belgrade, Serbia, Tuesday, June 18, 2024. (Photo by Patrick B. Kraemer / MAGICPBK)
Antonio DJAKOVIC of Switzerland on his way out after competing in the Men's 100m Freestyle Heats during the swimming events of the European Aquatics Championships in Belgrade, Serbia, Tuesday, June 18, 2024. (Photo by Patrick B. Kraemer / MAGICPBK)
Antonio DJAKOVIC of Switzerland competes in the Men's 200m Freestyle Heats during the swimming events of the European Aquatics Championships in Belgrade, Serbia, Thursday, June 20, 2024. (Photo by Patrick B. Kraemer / MAGICPBK)
Antonio DJAKOVIC of Switzerland competes in the Men's 200m Freestyle Heats during the swimming events of the European Aquatics Championships in Belgrade, Serbia, Thursday, June 20, 2024. (Photo by Patrick B. Kraemer / MAGICPBK)
Antonio DJAKOVIC of Switzerland walks out after competing in the Men's 200m Freestyle Heats during the swimming events of the European Aquatics Championships in Belgrade, Serbia, Thursday, June 20, 2024. (Photo by Patrick B. Kraemer / MAGICPBK)
Antonio DJAKOVIC of Switzerland prepares himself before competing in the Men's 200m Freestyle Semifinal during the swimming events of the European Aquatics Championships in Belgrade, Serbia, Thursday, June 20, 2024. (Photo by Patrick B. Kraemer / MAGICPBK)
Antonio DJAKOVIC of Switzerland reacts on his way out after competing in the Men's 200m Freestyle Semifinal during the swimming events of the European Aquatics Championships in Belgrade, Serbia, Thursday, June 20, 2024. (Photo by Patrick B. Kraemer / MAGICPBK)
Antonio DJAKOVIC of Switzerland celebrates after finishing third in the Men's 200m Freestyle Final during the swimming events of the European Aquatics Championships in Belgrade, Serbia, Friday, June 21, 2024. (Photo by Patrick B. Kraemer / MAGICPBK)
Antonio DJAKOVIC of Switzerland poses with his Bronze medal after finishing third in the Men's 200m Freestyle Final during the swimming events of the European Aquatics Championships in Belgrade, Serbia, Friday, June 21, 2024. (Photo by Patrick B. Kraemer / MAGICPBK)
(L-R) Second placed Danas RAPSYS of Lithuania, winner David POPOVICI of Romania and third placed Antonio DJAKOVIC pose with their medals after the medal ceremony for the Men's 200m Freestyle Final during the swimming events of the European Aquatics Championships in Belgrade, Serbia, Friday, June 21, 2024. (Photo by Patrick B. Kraemer / MAGICPBK)
Antonio DJAKOVIC (Bronze 200m Freestyle) of Switzerland pose with their medals at the shore of the Donau river during the swimming events of the European Aquatics Championships in Belgrade, Serbia, Friday, June 21, 2024. (Photo by Patrick B. Kraemer / MAGICPBK)
Antonio DJAKOVIC of Switzerland prepares himself before competing in the Men's 400m Freestyle Heats during the swimming events of the European Aquatics Championships in Belgrade, Serbia, Sunday, June 23, 2024. (Photo by Patrick B. Kraemer / MAGICPBK)
Antonio DJAKOVIC of Switzerland poses with his two Bronze medals after finishing third in the Men's 200m and 400m Freestyle Final during the swimming events of the European Aquatics Championships in Belgrade, Serbia, Sunday, June 23, 2024. (Photo by Patrick B. Kraemer / MAGICPBK)
Gian-Luca GARTMANN of Switzerland is pictured during a training session 3 days prior to the start of the swimming events of the European Aquatics Championships in Belgrade, Serbia, Friday, June 14, 2024. (Photo by Patrick B. Kraemer / MAGICPBK)
Gian-Luca GARTMANN of Switzerland is pictured during a training session 2 days prior to the start of the swimming events of the European Aquatics Championships in Belgrade, Serbia, Saturday, June 15, 2024. (Photo by Patrick B. Kraemer / MAGICPBK)
Gian-Luca GARTMANN of Switzerland is pictured during a training session 1 day prior to the start of the swimming events of the European Aquatics Championships in Belgrade, Serbia, Sunday, June 16, 2024. (Photo by Patrick B. Kraemer / MAGICPBK)
Gian-Luca GARTMANN of Switzerland is pictured during a training session 1 day prior to the start of the swimming events of the European Aquatics Championships in Belgrade, Serbia, Sunday, June 16, 2024. (Photo by Patrick B. Kraemer / MAGICPBK)
Gian-Luca GARTMANN of Switzerland is pictured during a training session 1 day prior to the start of the swimming events of the European Aquatics Championships in Belgrade, Serbia, Sunday, June 16, 2024. (Photo by Patrick B. Kraemer / MAGICPBK)
Gian-Luca GARTMANN of Switzerland competes in the Men's 4x200m Freestyle Relay Heats during the swimming events of the European Aquatics Championships in Belgrade, Serbia, Monday, June 17, 2024. (Photo by Patrick B. Kraemer / MAGICPBK)
Gian-Luca GARTMANN of Switzerland competes in the Men's 4x200m Freestyle Relay Heats during the swimming events of the European Aquatics Championships in Belgrade, Serbia, Monday, June 17, 2024. (Photo by Patrick B. Kraemer / MAGICPBK)
Gian-Luca GARTMANN of Switzerland prepares himself before competing in the Men's 200m Individual Medley (IM) Heats during the swimming events of the European Aquatics Championships in Belgrade, Serbia, Saturday, June 22, 2024. (Photo by Patrick B. Kraemer / MAGICPBK)
Gian-Luca GARTMANN of Switzerland competes in the Men's 200m Individual Medley (IM) Heats during the swimming events of the European Aquatics Championships in Belgrade, Serbia, Saturday, June 22, 2024. (Photo by Patrick B. Kraemer / MAGICPBK)
Gian-Luca GARTMANN of Switzerland is pictured during his swim down during the swimming events of the European Aquatics Championships in Belgrade, Serbia, Saturday, June 22, 2024. (Photo by Patrick B. Kraemer / MAGICPBK)
Gian-Luca GARTMANN of Switzerland reacts on his way out after competing in the Men's 200m Individual Medley (IM) Semifinal during the swimming events of the European Aquatics Championships in Belgrade, Serbia, Saturday, June 22, 2024. (Photo by Patrick B. Kraemer / MAGICPBK)
Lena KREUNDL of Austria walks out after competing in the Women’s 100m Freestyle Heats during the swimming events of the European Aquatics Championships in Belgrade, Serbia, Monday, June 17, 2024. (Photo by Patrick B. Kraemer / MAGICPBK)
Lena KREUNDL of Austria competes in the Women's 4x200m Freestyle Relay Heats during the swimming events of the European Aquatics Championships in Belgrade, Serbia, Monday, June 17, 2024. (Photo by Patrick B. Kraemer / MAGICPBK)
Lena KREUNDL of Austria competes in the Women's 4x200m Freestyle Relay Heats during the swimming events of the European Aquatics Championships in Belgrade, Serbia, Monday, June 17, 2024. (Photo by Patrick B. Kraemer / MAGICPBK)
Lena KREUNDL of Austria reacts after a strap of her race suit cracked on her way out after competing in the Women's 4x200m Freestyle Relay Heats during the swimming events of the European Aquatics Championships in Belgrade, Serbia, Monday, June 17, 2024. (Photo by Patrick B. Kraemer / MAGICPBK)
Lena KREUNDL of Austria walks out after competing in the Women’s 100m Freestyle Heats during the swimming events of the European Aquatics Championships in Belgrade, Serbia, Monday, June 17, 2024. (Photo by Patrick B. Kraemer / MAGICPBK)
Lena KREUNDL of Austria prepares herself before competing in the Women’s 100m Freestyle Semifinal during the swimming events of the European Aquatics Championships in Belgrade, Serbia, Monday, June 17, 2024. (Photo by Patrick B. Kraemer / MAGICPBK)
Lena KREUNDL of Austria reacts after competing in the Women’s 100m Freestyle Semifinal during the swimming events of the European Aquatics Championships in Belgrade, Serbia, Monday, June 17, 2024. (Photo by Patrick B. Kraemer / MAGICPBK)
Lena KREUNDL of Austria jubilates on her way out after competing in the Women’s 100m Freestyle Semifinal during the swimming events of the European Aquatics Championships in Belgrade, Serbia, Monday, June 17, 2024. (Photo by Patrick B. Kraemer / MAGICPBK)
Lena KREUNDL of Austria competes in the Women’s 200m Individual Medley (IM) Heats during the swimming events of the European Aquatics Championships in Belgrade, Serbia, Friday, June 21, 2024. (Photo by Patrick B. Kraemer / MAGICPBK)
Lena KREUNDL of Austria on her way out after competing in the Women’s 200m Individual Medley (IM) Semifinal during the swimming events of the European Aquatics Championships in Belgrade, Serbia, Friday, June 21, 2024. (Photo by Patrick B. Kraemer / MAGICPBK)
Coach Paul (Pablo) KUTSCHER of Switzerland is pictured during a training session 3 days prior to the start of the swimming events of the European Aquatics Championships in Belgrade, Serbia, Friday, June 14, 2024. (Photo by Patrick B. Kraemer / MAGICPBK)
Coach Paul (Pablo) KUTSCHER and Gian-Luca Gartmann of Switzerland are pictured during a training session 3 days prior to the start of the swimming events of the European Aquatics Championships in Belgrade, Serbia, Friday, June 14, 2024. (Photo by Patrick B. Kraemer / MAGICPBK)
Coach Paul (Pablo) KUTSCHER of Switzerland talks to his swimmer Vanna DJAKOVIC during a training session 1 day prior to the start of the swimming events of the European Aquatics Championships in Belgrade, Serbia, Sunday, June 16, 2024. (Photo by Patrick B. Kraemer / MAGICPBK)
Paul (Pablo) KUTSCHER of Switzerland coaches his swimmer Vanna DJAKOVIC (not pictured) during the Women’s 800m Freestyle Heats during the swimming events of the European Aquatics Championships in Belgrade, Serbia, Monday, June 17, 2024. (Photo by Patrick B. Kraemer / MAGICPBK)
Swiss Fans support Jeremy DESPLANCHES (not pictured) of Switzerland during his 200m Individual Medley (IM) Semifinal during the swimming events of the European Aquatics Championships in Belgrade, Serbia, Saturday, June 22, 2024. (Photo by Patrick B. Kraemer / MAGICPBK)
Thierry BOLLIN, Gian-Luca Gartmann, Marius TOSCAN and Tiago Behar pose for a photo after competing in the Men's 4x100m Medley Relay Heats during the swimming events of the European Aquatics Championships in Belgrade, Serbia, Sunday, June 23, 2024. (Photo by Patrick B. Kraemer / MAGICPBK)
Vanna DJAKOVIC and coach Paul (Pablo) KUTSCHER of Switzerland are pictured during a training session 3 days prior to the start of the swimming events of the European Aquatics Championships in Belgrade, Serbia, Friday, June 14, 2024. (Photo by Patrick B. Kraemer / MAGICPBK)
Coach Pablo (Paul) KUTSCHER, Vanna DJAKOVIC and Gian-Luca Gartmann of Switzerland pose for a photo during a training session 3 days prior to the start of the swimming events of the European Aquatics Championships in Belgrade, Serbia, Friday, June 14, 2024. (Photo by Patrick B. Kraemer / MAGICPBK)
Vanna DJAKOVIC of Switzerland is pictured during a training session 1 day prior to the start of the swimming events of the European Aquatics Championships in Belgrade, Serbia, Sunday, June 16, 2024. (Photo by Patrick B. Kraemer / MAGICPBK)
Vanna DJAKOVIC of Switzerland is pictured during a training session 1 day prior to the start of the swimming events of the European Aquatics Championships in Belgrade, Serbia, Sunday, June 16, 2024. (Photo by Patrick B. Kraemer / MAGICPBK)
Vanna DJAKOVIC of Switzerland competes in the Women’s 800m Freestyle Heats during the swimming events of the European Aquatics Championships in Belgrade, Serbia, Monday, June 17, 2024. (Photo by Patrick B. Kraemer / MAGICPBK)
Vanna DJAKOVIC of Switzerland competes in the Women’s 800m Freestyle Heats during the swimming events of the European Aquatics Championships in Belgrade, Serbia, Monday, June 17, 2024. (Photo by Patrick B. Kraemer / MAGICPBK)
Vanna DJAKOVIC of Switzerland reacts after competing in the Women’s 200m Freestyle Heats during the swimming events of the European Aquatics Championships in Belgrade, Serbia, Wednesday, June 19, 2024. (Photo by Patrick B. Kraemer / MAGICPBK)
Vanna DJAKOVIC of Switzerland gives a thumbs up on her way out after competing in the Women’s 400m Freestyle Heats during the swimming events of the European Aquatics Championships in Belgrade, Serbia, Sunday, June 23, 2024. (Photo by Patrick B. Kraemer / MAGICPBK)
Antonio DJAKOVIC of Switzerland on his way out after competing in the Men's 100m Freestyle Heats during the swimming events of the European Aquatics Championships in Belgrade, Serbia, Tuesday, June 18, 2024. (Photo by Patrick B. Kraemer / MAGICPBK)
Antonio DJAKOVIC of Switzerland on his way out after competing in the Men's 100m Freestyle Heats during the swimming events of the European Aquatics Championships in Belgrade, Serbia, Tuesday, June 18, 2024. (Photo by Patrick B. Kraemer / MAGICPBK)
Antonio DJAKOVIC of Switzerland on his way out after competing in the Men's 100m Freestyle Heats during the swimming events of the European Aquatics Championships in Belgrade, Serbia, Tuesday, June 18, 2024. (Photo by Patrick B. Kraemer / MAGICPBK)
Antonio DJAKOVIC of Switzerland competes in the Men's 200m Freestyle Heats during the swimming events of the European Aquatics Championships in Belgrade, Serbia, Thursday, June 20, 2024. (Photo by Patrick B. Kraemer / MAGICPBK)
Antonio DJAKOVIC of Switzerland competes in the Men's 200m Freestyle Heats during the swimming events of the European Aquatics Championships in Belgrade, Serbia, Thursday, June 20, 2024. (Photo by Patrick B. Kraemer / MAGICPBK)
Antonio DJAKOVIC of Switzerland walks out after competing in the Men's 200m Freestyle Heats during the swimming events of the European Aquatics Championships in Belgrade, Serbia, Thursday, June 20, 2024. (Photo by Patrick B. Kraemer / MAGICPBK)
Antonio DJAKOVIC of Switzerland prepares himself before competing in the Men's 200m Freestyle Semifinal during the swimming events of the European Aquatics Championships in Belgrade, Serbia, Thursday, June 20, 2024. (Photo by Patrick B. Kraemer / MAGICPBK)
Antonio DJAKOVIC of Switzerland reacts on his way out after competing in the Men's 200m Freestyle Semifinal during the swimming events of the European Aquatics Championships in Belgrade, Serbia, Thursday, June 20, 2024. (Photo by Patrick B. Kraemer / MAGICPBK)
Antonio DJAKOVIC of Switzerland celebrates after finishing third in the Men's 200m Freestyle Final during the swimming events of the European Aquatics Championships in Belgrade, Serbia, Friday, June 21, 2024. (Photo by Patrick B. Kraemer / MAGICPBK)
Antonio DJAKOVIC of Switzerland poses with his Bronze medal after finishing third in the Men's 200m Freestyle Final during the swimming events of the European Aquatics Championships in Belgrade, Serbia, Friday, June 21, 2024. (Photo by Patrick B. Kraemer / MAGICPBK)
(L-R) Second placed Danas RAPSYS of Lithuania, winner David POPOVICI of Romania and third placed Antonio DJAKOVIC pose with their medals after the medal ceremony for the Men's 200m Freestyle Final during the swimming events of the European Aquatics Championships in Belgrade, Serbia, Friday, June 21, 2024. (Photo by Patrick B. Kraemer / MAGICPBK)
Antonio DJAKOVIC (Bronze 200m Freestyle) of Switzerland pose with their medals at the shore of the Donau river during the swimming events of the European Aquatics Championships in Belgrade, Serbia, Friday, June 21, 2024. (Photo by Patrick B. Kraemer / MAGICPBK)
Antonio DJAKOVIC of Switzerland prepares himself before competing in the Men's 400m Freestyle Heats during the swimming events of the European Aquatics Championships in Belgrade, Serbia, Sunday, June 23, 2024. (Photo by Patrick B. Kraemer / MAGICPBK)
Antonio DJAKOVIC of Switzerland poses with his two Bronze medals after finishing third in the Men's 200m and 400m Freestyle Final during the swimming events of the European Aquatics Championships in Belgrade, Serbia, Sunday, June 23, 2024. (Photo by Patrick B. Kraemer / MAGICPBK)
Gian-Luca GARTMANN of Switzerland is pictured during a training session 3 days prior to the start of the swimming events of the European Aquatics Championships in Belgrade, Serbia, Friday, June 14, 2024. (Photo by Patrick B. Kraemer / MAGICPBK)
Gian-Luca GARTMANN of Switzerland is pictured during a training session 2 days prior to the start of the swimming events of the European Aquatics Championships in Belgrade, Serbia, Saturday, June 15, 2024. (Photo by Patrick B. Kraemer / MAGICPBK)
Gian-Luca GARTMANN of Switzerland is pictured during a training session 1 day prior to the start of the swimming events of the European Aquatics Championships in Belgrade, Serbia, Sunday, June 16, 2024. (Photo by Patrick B. Kraemer / MAGICPBK)
Gian-Luca GARTMANN of Switzerland is pictured during a training session 1 day prior to the start of the swimming events of the European Aquatics Championships in Belgrade, Serbia, Sunday, June 16, 2024. (Photo by Patrick B. Kraemer / MAGICPBK)
Gian-Luca GARTMANN of Switzerland is pictured during a training session 1 day prior to the start of the swimming events of the European Aquatics Championships in Belgrade, Serbia, Sunday, June 16, 2024. (Photo by Patrick B. Kraemer / MAGICPBK)
Gian-Luca GARTMANN of Switzerland competes in the Men's 4x200m Freestyle Relay Heats during the swimming events of the European Aquatics Championships in Belgrade, Serbia, Monday, June 17, 2024. (Photo by Patrick B. Kraemer / MAGICPBK)
Gian-Luca GARTMANN of Switzerland competes in the Men's 4x200m Freestyle Relay Heats during the swimming events of the European Aquatics Championships in Belgrade, Serbia, Monday, June 17, 2024. (Photo by Patrick B. Kraemer / MAGICPBK)
Gian-Luca GARTMANN of Switzerland prepares himself before competing in the Men's 200m Individual Medley (IM) Heats during the swimming events of the European Aquatics Championships in Belgrade, Serbia, Saturday, June 22, 2024. (Photo by Patrick B. Kraemer / MAGICPBK)
Gian-Luca GARTMANN of Switzerland competes in the Men's 200m Individual Medley (IM) Heats during the swimming events of the European Aquatics Championships in Belgrade, Serbia, Saturday, June 22, 2024. (Photo by Patrick B. Kraemer / MAGICPBK)
Gian-Luca GARTMANN of Switzerland is pictured during his swim down during the swimming events of the European Aquatics Championships in Belgrade, Serbia, Saturday, June 22, 2024. (Photo by Patrick B. Kraemer / MAGICPBK)
Gian-Luca GARTMANN of Switzerland reacts on his way out after competing in the Men's 200m Individual Medley (IM) Semifinal during the swimming events of the European Aquatics Championships in Belgrade, Serbia, Saturday, June 22, 2024. (Photo by Patrick B. Kraemer / MAGICPBK)
Lena KREUNDL of Austria walks out after competing in the Women’s 100m Freestyle Heats during the swimming events of the European Aquatics Championships in Belgrade, Serbia, Monday, June 17, 2024. (Photo by Patrick B. Kraemer / MAGICPBK)
Lena KREUNDL of Austria competes in the Women's 4x200m Freestyle Relay Heats during the swimming events of the European Aquatics Championships in Belgrade, Serbia, Monday, June 17, 2024. (Photo by Patrick B. Kraemer / MAGICPBK)
Lena KREUNDL of Austria competes in the Women's 4x200m Freestyle Relay Heats during the swimming events of the European Aquatics Championships in Belgrade, Serbia, Monday, June 17, 2024. (Photo by Patrick B. Kraemer / MAGICPBK)
Lena KREUNDL of Austria reacts after a strap of her race suit cracked on her way out after competing in the Women's 4x200m Freestyle Relay Heats during the swimming events of the European Aquatics Championships in Belgrade, Serbia, Monday, June 17, 2024. (Photo by Patrick B. Kraemer / MAGICPBK)
Lena KREUNDL of Austria walks out after competing in the Women’s 100m Freestyle Heats during the swimming events of the European Aquatics Championships in Belgrade, Serbia, Monday, June 17, 2024. (Photo by Patrick B. Kraemer / MAGICPBK)
Lena KREUNDL of Austria prepares herself before competing in the Women’s 100m Freestyle Semifinal during the swimming events of the European Aquatics Championships in Belgrade, Serbia, Monday, June 17, 2024. (Photo by Patrick B. Kraemer / MAGICPBK)
Lena KREUNDL of Austria reacts after competing in the Women’s 100m Freestyle Semifinal during the swimming events of the European Aquatics Championships in Belgrade, Serbia, Monday, June 17, 2024. (Photo by Patrick B. Kraemer / MAGICPBK)
Lena KREUNDL of Austria jubilates on her way out after competing in the Women’s 100m Freestyle Semifinal during the swimming events of the European Aquatics Championships in Belgrade, Serbia, Monday, June 17, 2024. (Photo by Patrick B. Kraemer / MAGICPBK)
Lena KREUNDL of Austria competes in the Women’s 200m Individual Medley (IM) Heats during the swimming events of the European Aquatics Championships in Belgrade, Serbia, Friday, June 21, 2024. (Photo by Patrick B. Kraemer / MAGICPBK)
Lena KREUNDL of Austria on her way out after competing in the Women’s 200m Individual Medley (IM) Semifinal during the swimming events of the European Aquatics Championships in Belgrade, Serbia, Friday, June 21, 2024. (Photo by Patrick B. Kraemer / MAGICPBK)
Coach Paul (Pablo) KUTSCHER of Switzerland is pictured during a training session 3 days prior to the start of the swimming events of the European Aquatics Championships in Belgrade, Serbia, Friday, June 14, 2024. (Photo by Patrick B. Kraemer / MAGICPBK)
Coach Paul (Pablo) KUTSCHER and Gian-Luca Gartmann of Switzerland are pictured during a training session 3 days prior to the start of the swimming events of the European Aquatics Championships in Belgrade, Serbia, Friday, June 14, 2024. (Photo by Patrick B. Kraemer / MAGICPBK)
Coach Paul (Pablo) KUTSCHER of Switzerland talks to his swimmer Vanna DJAKOVIC during a training session 1 day prior to the start of the swimming events of the European Aquatics Championships in Belgrade, Serbia, Sunday, June 16, 2024. (Photo by Patrick B. Kraemer / MAGICPBK)
Paul (Pablo) KUTSCHER of Switzerland coaches his swimmer Vanna DJAKOVIC (not pictured) during the Women’s 800m Freestyle Heats during the swimming events of the European Aquatics Championships in Belgrade, Serbia, Monday, June 17, 2024. (Photo by Patrick B. Kraemer / MAGICPBK)
Swiss Fans support Jeremy DESPLANCHES (not pictured) of Switzerland during his 200m Individual Medley (IM) Semifinal during the swimming events of the European Aquatics Championships in Belgrade, Serbia, Saturday, June 22, 2024. (Photo by Patrick B. Kraemer / MAGICPBK)
Thierry BOLLIN, Gian-Luca Gartmann, Marius TOSCAN and Tiago Behar pose for a photo after competing in the Men's 4x100m Medley Relay Heats during the swimming events of the European Aquatics Championships in Belgrade, Serbia, Sunday, June 23, 2024. (Photo by Patrick B. Kraemer / MAGICPBK)
Vanna DJAKOVIC and coach Paul (Pablo) KUTSCHER of Switzerland are pictured during a training session 3 days prior to the start of the swimming events of the European Aquatics Championships in Belgrade, Serbia, Friday, June 14, 2024. (Photo by Patrick B. Kraemer / MAGICPBK)
Coach Pablo (Paul) KUTSCHER, Vanna DJAKOVIC and Gian-Luca Gartmann of Switzerland pose for a photo during a training session 3 days prior to the start of the swimming events of the European Aquatics Championships in Belgrade, Serbia, Friday, June 14, 2024. (Photo by Patrick B. Kraemer / MAGICPBK)
Vanna DJAKOVIC of Switzerland is pictured during a training session 1 day prior to the start of the swimming events of the European Aquatics Championships in Belgrade, Serbia, Sunday, June 16, 2024. (Photo by Patrick B. Kraemer / MAGICPBK)
Vanna DJAKOVIC of Switzerland is pictured during a training session 1 day prior to the start of the swimming events of the European Aquatics Championships in Belgrade, Serbia, Sunday, June 16, 2024. (Photo by Patrick B. Kraemer / MAGICPBK)
Vanna DJAKOVIC of Switzerland competes in the Women’s 800m Freestyle Heats during the swimming events of the European Aquatics Championships in Belgrade, Serbia, Monday, June 17, 2024. (Photo by Patrick B. Kraemer / MAGICPBK)
Vanna DJAKOVIC of Switzerland competes in the Women’s 800m Freestyle Heats during the swimming events of the European Aquatics Championships in Belgrade, Serbia, Monday, June 17, 2024. (Photo by Patrick B. Kraemer / MAGICPBK)
Vanna DJAKOVIC of Switzerland reacts after competing in the Women’s 200m Freestyle Heats during the swimming events of the European Aquatics Championships in Belgrade, Serbia, Wednesday, June 19, 2024. (Photo by Patrick B. Kraemer / MAGICPBK)
Vanna DJAKOVIC of Switzerland gives a thumbs up on her way out after competing in the Women’s 400m Freestyle Heats during the swimming events of the European Aquatics Championships in Belgrade, Serbia, Sunday, June 23, 2024. (Photo by Patrick B. Kraemer / MAGICPBK)